<p><strong>Update: As of 09:46 PM (I'm on the bus), after <ahref="http://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/anti-sterlite-protests-tn-govt-lifts-internet-ban-in-tirunelveli-kanyakumari-status-quo-in-tuticorin/232032">Madras High Court questioned</a> Tamil Nadu government, the ban on internet is raised in two of the three districts, Tirunelveli and Kanyakumari.</strong></p>
<h3><em>I may not be available online for (up to) 3 days after this post because my government has decided to pull the plug on democracy.</em></h3>
<p>This is Tamil Nadu, India. Once called "அமைதி பூங்கா" (a peaceful park). We are a people with a very ancient culture, and the oldest known language in usage — தமிழ்.</p>