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Changes to @csstools/normalize.css

10.1.0 (June 3, 2019)

  • Fixed: Edge comments without Chrome are are changed to Edge 18-.
  • Fixed: Chrome comments without Edge have Edge added.
  • Fixed: Nested list dl normalizations split.
  • Fixed: Logical margin-block normalization changed to margin.

10.0.0 (May 16, 2019)

  • Added: Removal of the margin on nested lists in Chrome and Safari.
  • Added: opinionated.css, normalize.css with classic opinionated styles.
  • Changed: Reverted license to prehistory state, or CC0-1.0 as intended.

There are now 2 versions of normalize.css. Nicolas Gallagher and I started writing normalize.css together. I named and created the normalize.css repository with the help of Paul Irish and Ben Alman. I transferred the repository to Necolas, who made it into a “household” CSS library. Much later I resumed management of normalize.css with Luciano Battagliero. We tagged, deprecated, and removed “opinionated” styles — styles developers often prefer but which do not fix bugs or “normalize” browser differences. Necolas disagreed with this change, and resolved the matter AFAIK by removing all of the other contributors, locking discussion threads, wiping my name (and his) from all files, and blocking me from being able to follow the project.

I may later create a new project with a new name, but for now I intend to continue working on the normalize.css project, sometimes under the “csstools” tag. I hope one day our differences are resolved and the projects will be one again.

For reference within this project: normalize.css resolves bugs and common browser inconsistencies. opinionated.css does the same while preserving the classic opinionated styles.

9.0.1 (September 4, 2018)

  • Changed: Restored ::-moz-focus-inner and :-moz-focusring normalizations confirmed necessary in Firefox 61.
  • Changed: Sorted the ::-webkit-inner-spin-button and ::-webkit-outer-spin-button pseudo-class selectors.
  • Updated: Tests.

9.0.0 (August 22, 2018)

  • Fixed: Cursor style of increment and decrement buttons in Safari, not Chrome.
  • Fixed: Text style of placeholders in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
  • Removed: unnecessary form control margin normalizations in Firefox.
  • Removed: opinionated fieldset padding in all browsers.
  • Removed: ::-moz-focus-inner and :-moz-focusring normalizations fixed in Firefox 53

8.0.0 (June 15, 2018)

  • Removed: Normalizations for unsupported browsers, such as Android 4-, Chrome 57-, Firefox 52-, IE 8-, and Safari 7-.
  • Removed: Removal of gaps on link underlines in iOS and Safari.
  • Changed: Selector weight on form control normalizations.
  • Removed: Removal of search input cancel button in Chrome and Safari.
  • Added: Dialog styles for Edge, IE, and Safari.
  • Added: Tests for every single feature.
  • Updated: Documentation to be more clear and helpful.

7.0.0 (May 26, 2017)

  • Changed: Separated out selector targeted fixes for readability.
  • Updated: Browser landscape of abbr[title] fixes.
  • Updated: Browser landscape of details fixes.
  • Fixed: Browser landscape of displays.
  • Removed: Opinionated changes on sub and sup elements.

6.0.0 (March 26, 2017)

  • Removed: All opinionated rules.
  • Fixed: Document heading comment.
  • Updated: Support for abbr[title].

At the time of this writing, for anyone who still wants/needs the opinionated rules, see opinionate.css_.

5.0.0 (October 3, 2016)

  • Added: Normalized sections not already present from
  • Removed: ::placeholder styles due to a bug in Edge.
  • Removed: optgroup normalization needed by the previous font reset.
  • Changed: Moved unsorted rules into their respective sections.
  • Changed: Explicitly defined font resets on form controls.
  • Updated: summary style in all browsers.
  • Updated: Text-size-adjust documentation
 for IE on Windows Phone
  • Updated: OS X reference to macOS
  • Updated: Semver strategy.

4.2.0 (June 30, 2016)

  • Fixed: line-height in all browsers.
  • Fixed: optgroup font inheritance.
  • Updated: Project heading.

4.1.1 (April 12, 2016)

  • Updated: Project heading.

4.1.0 (April 11, 2016)

  • Added: Normalized placeholders in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
  • Added: Normalized text-decoration-skip property in Safari.
  • Added: Normalized file select buttons.
  • Added: Normalized search input outlines in Safari.
  • Removed: Opinionated cursor styles on buttons.
  • Changed: Limited Firefox focus normalizations to buttons.
  • Changed: Restored main to package.json.
  • Changed: Restored proper overflow to certain select elements.
  • Updated: Stylelint configuration.
  • Updated: Tests.

4.0.0 (March 19, 2016)

  • Added: Correct font weight for b and strong in Chrome, Edge, and Safari.
  • Removed: Unnecessary normalization of line-height for input.
  • Removed: Unnecessary normalization of color for form controls.
  • Removed: Unnecessary box-sizing for input[type="search"] in Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, and Safari.
  • Removed: Opinionated table resets.
  • Removed: Opinionated pre overflow.
  • Removed: Selector weight from some input selectors.
  • Updated: Normalization of border-style for img.
  • Updated: Normalization of color inheritance for legend.
  • Updated: Normalization of background-color for mark.
  • Updated: Normalization of outline for :-moz-focusring removed by a previous Normalization in Firefox.
  • Updated: Opinionated style of outline-width for a:active and a:hover.
  • Updated: Comments to identify opinionated styles.
  • Updated: Comments to specify browser/versions affected by all changes.
  • Updated: Comments to use one voice.
  • Fixed: inconsistent overflow for hr in Edge and IE.
  • Fixed: inconsistent box-sizing for hr in Firefox.
  • Fixed: inconsistent text-decoration and border-bottom for abbr[title] in Chrome, Edge, Firefox IE, Opera, and Safari.
  • Fixed: inheritance and scaling of font-size for preformatted text.
  • Fixed: legend text wrapping not present in Edge and IE.

3.0.3 (March 30, 2015)

  • Added: main property.
  • Removed: Unnecessary vendor prefixes.

3.0.2 (October 4, 2014)

  • Added: menu element to HTML5 display definitions.
  • Changed: alter background-color of links in IE 10.

3.0.1 (March 27, 2014)

  • Added: package.json for npm support.

3.0.0 (January 28, 2014)

3.0.0-rc.1 (January 26, 2014)

  • Added: Explicit tests for each normalization.
  • Added: Normalizations for optgroup.
  • Added: Display for progress in IE 8/9.
  • Removed: textarea alignment modification.
  • Removed: a:focus outline normalization.
  • Removed: default table cell padding.
  • Fixed: i18n for q element.
  • Fixed: pre text formatting and overflow.
  • Fixed: Vertical alignment of progress.
  • Fixed: button overflow in IE 8/9/10.
  • Fixed: number input button cursor in Chrome on OS X.
  • Fixed: figure margin normalization.
  • Fixed: font and color inheritance for forms.

2.1.3 (August 26, 2013)

  • Fixed: component.json.
  • Removed: the gray background color from active links in IE 10.

2.1.2 (May 11, 2013)

  • Changed: Reverted root color and background normalizations.

2.1.1 (April 8, 2013)

  • Added: root color and background normalizations to counter the effects of
  • system color schemes.

2.1.0 (January 21, 2013)

  • Added: Normalization of text-transform for button and select.
  • Added: Normalization of h1 margin when within HTML5 sectioning elements.
  • Added: Normalization of hr element.
  • Added: main element to HTML5 display definitions.
  • Removed: unnecessary pre styles.
  • Fixed: cursor style for disabled button input.

2.0.1 (August 20, 2012)

  • Removed: stray IE 6/7 inline-block hack from HTML5 display settings.

2.0.0 (August 19, 2012)

  • Removed: Legacy browser form normalizations.
  • Removed: List normalizations.
  • Removed: heading normalizations except h1 font size.
  • Removed: Support for IE 6/7, Firefox < 4, and Safari < 5.
  • Added: quotes normalizations.
  • Changed: Form elements automatically inherit font-family from ancestor.

1.0.1 (August 19, 2012)

  • Changed: Adjusted small font size normalization.

1.0.0 (August 14, 2012)

  • Added: MIT License.
  • Added: Hide audio elements without controls in iOS 5.
  • Added: Heading margins and font size.
  • Removed: scrollbar normalization.
  • Removed: excess padding from checkbox and radio inputs in IE 7.
  • Changed: Moved font-family normalization from body to html.
  • Added: IE9 correction for SVG overflow.
  • Added: Fix for legend not inheriting color in IE 6/7/8/9.


  • Initial version