You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
8.3 KiB

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.NullableTypeAnnotation = NullableTypeAnnotation;
exports.FunctionTypeAnnotation = FunctionTypeAnnotation;
exports.UpdateExpression = UpdateExpression;
exports.ObjectExpression = ObjectExpression;
exports.DoExpression = DoExpression;
exports.Binary = Binary;
exports.IntersectionTypeAnnotation = exports.UnionTypeAnnotation = UnionTypeAnnotation;
exports.TSAsExpression = TSAsExpression;
exports.TSTypeAssertion = TSTypeAssertion;
exports.TSIntersectionType = exports.TSUnionType = TSUnionType;
exports.TSInferType = TSInferType;
exports.BinaryExpression = BinaryExpression;
exports.SequenceExpression = SequenceExpression;
exports.AwaitExpression = exports.YieldExpression = YieldExpression;
exports.ClassExpression = ClassExpression;
exports.UnaryLike = UnaryLike;
exports.FunctionExpression = FunctionExpression;
exports.ArrowFunctionExpression = ArrowFunctionExpression;
exports.ConditionalExpression = ConditionalExpression;
exports.OptionalCallExpression = exports.OptionalMemberExpression = OptionalMemberExpression;
exports.AssignmentExpression = AssignmentExpression;
exports.LogicalExpression = LogicalExpression;
var t = _interopRequireWildcard(require("@babel/types"));
function _getRequireWildcardCache() { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cache = new WeakMap(); _getRequireWildcardCache = function () { return cache; }; return cache; }
function _interopRequireWildcard(obj) { if (obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for (var key in obj) { if (, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; }
const PRECEDENCE = {
"||": 0,
"??": 0,
"&&": 1,
"|": 2,
"^": 3,
"&": 4,
"==": 5,
"===": 5,
"!=": 5,
"!==": 5,
"<": 6,
">": 6,
"<=": 6,
">=": 6,
in: 6,
instanceof: 6,
">>": 7,
"<<": 7,
">>>": 7,
"+": 8,
"-": 8,
"*": 9,
"/": 9,
"%": 9,
"**": 10
const isClassExtendsClause = (node, parent) => (t.isClassDeclaration(parent) || t.isClassExpression(parent)) && parent.superClass === node;
const hasPostfixPart = (node, parent) => (t.isMemberExpression(parent) || t.isOptionalMemberExpression(parent)) && parent.object === node || (t.isCallExpression(parent) || t.isOptionalCallExpression(parent) || t.isNewExpression(parent)) && parent.callee === node || t.isTaggedTemplateExpression(parent) && parent.tag === node || t.isTSNonNullExpression(parent);
function NullableTypeAnnotation(node, parent) {
return t.isArrayTypeAnnotation(parent);
function FunctionTypeAnnotation(node, parent, printStack) {
return t.isUnionTypeAnnotation(parent) || t.isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(parent) || t.isArrayTypeAnnotation(parent) || t.isTypeAnnotation(parent) && t.isArrowFunctionExpression(printStack[printStack.length - 3]);
function UpdateExpression(node, parent) {
return hasPostfixPart(node, parent) || isClassExtendsClause(node, parent);
function ObjectExpression(node, parent, printStack) {
return isFirstInStatement(printStack, {
considerArrow: true
function DoExpression(node, parent, printStack) {
return isFirstInStatement(printStack);
function Binary(node, parent) {
if (node.operator === "**" && t.isBinaryExpression(parent, {
operator: "**"
})) {
return parent.left === node;
if (isClassExtendsClause(node, parent)) {
return true;
if (hasPostfixPart(node, parent) || t.isUnaryLike(parent) || t.isAwaitExpression(parent)) {
return true;
if (t.isBinary(parent)) {
const parentOp = parent.operator;
const parentPos = PRECEDENCE[parentOp];
const nodeOp = node.operator;
const nodePos = PRECEDENCE[nodeOp];
if (parentPos === nodePos && parent.right === node && !t.isLogicalExpression(parent) || parentPos > nodePos) {
return true;
function UnionTypeAnnotation(node, parent) {
return t.isArrayTypeAnnotation(parent) || t.isNullableTypeAnnotation(parent) || t.isIntersectionTypeAnnotation(parent) || t.isUnionTypeAnnotation(parent);
function TSAsExpression() {
return true;
function TSTypeAssertion() {
return true;
function TSUnionType(node, parent) {
return t.isTSArrayType(parent) || t.isTSOptionalType(parent) || t.isTSIntersectionType(parent) || t.isTSUnionType(parent) || t.isTSRestType(parent);
function TSInferType(node, parent) {
return t.isTSArrayType(parent) || t.isTSOptionalType(parent);
function BinaryExpression(node, parent) {
return node.operator === "in" && (t.isVariableDeclarator(parent) || t.isFor(parent));
function SequenceExpression(node, parent) {
if (t.isForStatement(parent) || t.isThrowStatement(parent) || t.isReturnStatement(parent) || t.isIfStatement(parent) && parent.test === node || t.isWhileStatement(parent) && parent.test === node || t.isForInStatement(parent) && parent.right === node || t.isSwitchStatement(parent) && parent.discriminant === node || t.isExpressionStatement(parent) && parent.expression === node) {
return false;
return true;
function YieldExpression(node, parent) {
return t.isBinary(parent) || t.isUnaryLike(parent) || hasPostfixPart(node, parent) || t.isAwaitExpression(parent) && t.isYieldExpression(node) || t.isConditionalExpression(parent) && node === parent.test || isClassExtendsClause(node, parent);
function ClassExpression(node, parent, printStack) {
return isFirstInStatement(printStack, {
considerDefaultExports: true
function UnaryLike(node, parent) {
return hasPostfixPart(node, parent) || t.isBinaryExpression(parent, {
operator: "**",
left: node
}) || isClassExtendsClause(node, parent);
function FunctionExpression(node, parent, printStack) {
return isFirstInStatement(printStack, {
considerDefaultExports: true
function ArrowFunctionExpression(node, parent) {
return t.isExportDeclaration(parent) || ConditionalExpression(node, parent);
function ConditionalExpression(node, parent) {
if (t.isUnaryLike(parent) || t.isBinary(parent) || t.isConditionalExpression(parent, {
test: node
}) || t.isAwaitExpression(parent) || t.isTSTypeAssertion(parent) || t.isTSAsExpression(parent)) {
return true;
return UnaryLike(node, parent);
function OptionalMemberExpression(node, parent) {
return t.isCallExpression(parent, {
callee: node
}) || t.isMemberExpression(parent, {
object: node
function AssignmentExpression(node, parent, printStack) {
if (t.isObjectPattern(node.left)) {
return true;
} else {
return ConditionalExpression(node, parent, printStack);
function LogicalExpression(node, parent) {
switch (node.operator) {
case "||":
if (!t.isLogicalExpression(parent)) return false;
return parent.operator === "??" || parent.operator === "&&";
case "&&":
return t.isLogicalExpression(parent, {
operator: "??"
case "??":
return t.isLogicalExpression(parent) && parent.operator !== "??";
function isFirstInStatement(printStack, {
considerArrow = false,
considerDefaultExports = false
} = {}) {
let i = printStack.length - 1;
let node = printStack[i];
let parent = printStack[i];
while (i > 0) {
if (t.isExpressionStatement(parent, {
expression: node
}) || considerDefaultExports && t.isExportDefaultDeclaration(parent, {
declaration: node
}) || considerArrow && t.isArrowFunctionExpression(parent, {
body: node
})) {
return true;
if (hasPostfixPart(node, parent) && !t.isNewExpression(parent) || t.isSequenceExpression(parent) && parent.expressions[0] === node || t.isConditional(parent, {
test: node
}) || t.isBinary(parent, {
left: node
}) || t.isAssignmentExpression(parent, {
left: node
})) {
node = parent;
parent = printStack[i];
} else {
return false;
return false;