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70 lines
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70 lines
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"use strict";
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
// All workbox references must come after the workboxSWImport/importScripts block
module.exports = `/**
* Welcome to your Workbox-powered service worker!
* You'll need to register this file in your web app and you should
* disable HTTP caching for this file too.
* See
* The rest of the code is auto-generated. Please don't update this file
* directly; instead, make changes to your Workbox build configuration
* and re-run your build process.
* See
<% if (workboxSWImport) { %>
importScripts(<%= JSON.stringify(workboxSWImport) %>);
<% if (modulePathPrefix) { %>workbox.setConfig({modulePathPrefix: <%= JSON.stringify(modulePathPrefix) %>});<% } %>
<% } %>
<% if (importScripts) { %>
<%=',\\n ') %>
<% } %>
<% if (navigationPreload) { %>workbox.navigationPreload.enable();<% } %>
<% if (cacheId) { %>workbox.core.setCacheNameDetails({prefix: <%= JSON.stringify(cacheId) %>});<% } %>
<% if (skipWaiting) { %>
<% } else { %>
self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if ( && === 'SKIP_WAITING') {
<% } %>
<% if (clientsClaim) { %>workbox.core.clientsClaim();<% } %>
<% if (Array.isArray(manifestEntries)) {%>
* The workboxSW.precacheAndRoute() method efficiently caches and responds to
* requests for URLs in the manifest.
* See
self.__precacheManifest = <%= JSON.stringify(manifestEntries, null, 2) %>.concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, <%= precacheOptionsString %>);
<% } else { %>
if (Array.isArray(self.__precacheManifest)) {
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, <%= precacheOptionsString %>);
<% } %>
<% if (cleanupOutdatedCaches) { %>workbox.precaching.cleanupOutdatedCaches();<% } %>
<% if (navigateFallback) { %>workbox.routing.registerNavigationRoute(workbox.precaching.getCacheKeyForURL(<%= JSON.stringify(navigateFallback) %>)<% if (navigateFallbackWhitelist || navigateFallbackBlacklist) { %>, {
<% if (navigateFallbackWhitelist) { %>whitelist: [<%= navigateFallbackWhitelist %>],<% } %>
<% if (navigateFallbackBlacklist) { %>blacklist: [<%= navigateFallbackBlacklist %>],<% } %>
}<% } %>);<% } %>
<% if (runtimeCaching) { runtimeCaching.forEach(runtimeCachingString => {%><%= runtimeCachingString %><% });} %>
<% if (offlineAnalyticsConfigString) { %>workbox.googleAnalytics.initialize(<%= offlineAnalyticsConfigString %>);<% } %>`;