You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

77 lines
3.7 KiB

import browserslist from 'browserslist';
import postcss from 'postcss';
var index = postcss.plugin('postcss-browser-comments', opts => root => {
// client browserslist
const clientBrowserList = browserslist(Object(opts).browsers || null, {
path: root.source && root.source.input && root.source.input.file
}); // root children references
const references = root.nodes.slice(0); // for each child node of the root children references
for (let node of references) {
// if the node is a comment browser comment node
if (isBrowserCommentNode(node)) {
// rule following the browser comment
const rule =; // browser data
const browserdata = getBrowserData(node.text);
if (browserdata.isNumbered) {
rule.nodes.filter(isBrowserReferenceCommentNode).map(comment => {
const browserdataIndex = parseFloat(comment.text) - 1;
const browserslistPart = browserdata.browserslist[browserdataIndex]; // whether to remove the rule if the comment browserslist does not match the client browserslist
const removeRule = !clientBrowserList.some(clientBrowser => browserslist(browserslistPart).some(commentBrowser => commentBrowser === clientBrowser)); // conditionally remove the declaration and reference comment
if (removeRule) {
}); // conditionally remove the empty rule and comment
if (!rule.nodes.length) {
} else {
// whether to remove the rule if the comment browserslist does not match the client browserslist
const removeRule = !clientBrowserList.some(clientBrowser => browserslist(browserdata.browserslist).some(commentBrowser => commentBrowser === clientBrowser)); // conditionally remove the rule and comment
if (removeRule) {
}); // returns whether a node is a browser comment
const isBrowserCommentNode = node => node.type === 'comment' && isBrowserCommentNodeRegExp.test(node.text) && === 'rule';
const isBrowserCommentNodeRegExp = /^\*\n * /; // returns whether a node is a browser reference comment
const isBrowserReferenceCommentNode = node => node.type === 'comment' && isBrowserReferenceCommentNodeRegExp.test(node.text);
const isBrowserReferenceCommentNodeRegExp = /^\d+$/; // returns browser data from comment text
const getBrowserData = text => {
const browserDataNumbered = text.match(browserDataMutliRegExp);
const isNumbered = Boolean(browserDataNumbered);
return {
browserslist: isNumbered ? => getBrowsersList(browserslistPart.replace(browserDataNumberedNewlineRegExp, '$1'))) : getBrowsersList(text.replace(browserDataNewlineRegExp, '')),
const browserDataMutliRegExp = /(\n \* \d+\. (?:[^\n]+|\n \* {4,})+)/g;
const browserDataNewlineRegExp = /^\*\n \* ?|\n \*/g;
const browserDataNumberedNewlineRegExp = /\n \* (?:( )\s*)?/g; // returns a browserlist from comment text
const getBrowsersList = text => text.split(getBrowsersListInSplitRegExp).slice(1).map(part => part.split(getBrowsersListAndSplitRegExp).filter(part2 => part2)).reduce((acc, val) => acc.concat(val), []).map(part => part.replace(getBrowsersListQueryRegExp, ($0, browser, query) => browser === 'all' ? '> 0%' : `${browser}${query ? /^((?:\d*\.)?\d+)-$/.test(query) ? ` <= ${query.slice(0, -1)}` : ` ${query}` : ' > 0'}`).toLowerCase());
const getBrowsersListInSplitRegExp = /\s+in\s+/;
const getBrowsersListAndSplitRegExp = /(?: and|, and|,)/;
const getBrowsersListQueryRegExp = /^\s*(\w+)(?: ((?:(?:\d*\.)?\d+-)?(?:\d*\.)?\d+[+-]?))?.*$/;
export default index;