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/// <reference types="node" />
import fs = require('fs');
declare namespace re {
interface Entry extends fs.Stats {
path: string;
depth: number;
type FilterFunction = (stat: Entry) => boolean;
type Callback<T> = (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, result: T) => void;
type CallbackString = Callback<string[]>;
type CallbackEntry = Callback<Entry[]>;
interface FileSystem {
readdir?: (path: string, callback: Callback<string[]>) => void;
lstat?: (path: string, callback: Callback<fs.Stats>) => void;
stat?: (path: string, callback: Callback<fs.Stats>) => void;
interface Options {
filter?: string | RegExp | FilterFunction;
deep?: boolean | number | RegExp | FilterFunction;
sep?: string;
basePath?: string;
fs?: FileSystem;
function stat(root: string, options?: Options): Promise<Entry[]>;
function stat(root: string, callback: CallbackEntry): void;
function stat(root: string, options: Options, callback: CallbackEntry): void;
function async(root: string, options?: Options): Promise<string[]>;
function async(root: string, callback: CallbackString): void;
function async(root: string, options: Options, callback: CallbackString): void;
function readdirAsyncStat(root: string, options?: Options): Promise<Entry[]>;
function readdirAsyncStat(root: string, callback: CallbackEntry): void;
function readdirAsyncStat(root: string, options: Options, callback: CallbackEntry): void;
namespace async {
function stat(root: string, options?: Options): Promise<Entry[]>;
function stat(root: string, callback: CallbackEntry): void;
function stat(root: string, options: Options, callback: CallbackEntry): void;
function stream(root: string, options?: Options): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
function readdirStreamStat(root: string, options?: Options): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
namespace stream {
function stat(root: string, options?: Options): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
function sync(root: string, options?: Options): string[];
function readdirSyncStat(root: string, options?: Options): Entry[];
namespace sync {
function stat(root: string, options?: Options): Entry[];
declare function re(root: string, options?: re.Options): Promise<string[]>;
declare function re(root: string, callback: re.CallbackString): void;
declare function re(root: string, options: re.Options, callback: re.CallbackString): void;
export = re;