var postcss = require("postcss"); /** * font variant convertion map * * @type {Object} */ var fontVariantProperties = { "font-variant-ligatures": { "common-ligatures": "\"liga\", \"clig\"", "no-common-ligatures": "\"liga\", \"clig off\"", "discretionary-ligatures": "\"dlig\"", "no-discretionary-ligatures": "\"dlig\" off", "historical-ligatures": "\"hlig\"", "no-historical-ligatures": "\"hlig\" off", contextual: "\"calt\"", "no-contextual": "\"calt\" off" }, "font-variant-position": { sub: "\"subs\"", "super": "\"sups\"", normal: "\"subs\" off, \"sups\" off" }, "font-variant-caps": { "small-caps": "\"c2sc\"", "all-small-caps": "\"smcp\", \"c2sc\"", "petite-caps": "\"pcap\"", "all-petite-caps": "\"pcap\", \"c2pc\"", unicase: "\"unic\"", "titling-caps": "\"titl\"" }, "font-variant-numeric": { "lining-nums": "\"lnum\"", "oldstyle-nums": "\"onum\"", "proportional-nums": "\"pnum\"", "tabular-nums": "\"tnum\"", "diagonal-fractions": "\"frac\"", "stacked-fractions": "\"afrc\"", ordinal: "\"ordn\"", "slashed-zero": "\"zero\"" }, "font-kerning": { normal: "\"kern\"", none: "\"kern\" off" }, "font-variant": { normal: "normal", inherit: "inherit" } } // The `font-variant` property is a shorthand for all the others. for (var prop in fontVariantProperties) { var keys = fontVariantProperties[prop] for (var key in keys) { if (!(key in fontVariantProperties["font-variant"])) { fontVariantProperties["font-variant"][key] = keys[key] } } } // Find font-feature-settings declaration before given declaration, // create if does not exist function getFontFeatureSettingsPrevTo(decl) { var fontFeatureSettings = null; decl.parent.walkDecls(function(decl) { if (decl.prop === "font-feature-settings") { fontFeatureSettings = decl; } }) if (fontFeatureSettings === null) { fontFeatureSettings = decl.clone() fontFeatureSettings.prop = "font-feature-settings" fontFeatureSettings.value = "" decl.parent.insertBefore(decl, fontFeatureSettings) } return fontFeatureSettings } /** * Expose the font-variant plugin. */ module.exports = postcss.plugin("postcss-font-variant", function() { return function(styles) { styles.walkRules(function(rule) { var fontFeatureSettings = null // read custom media queries rule.walkDecls(function(decl) { if (!fontVariantProperties[decl.prop]) { return null } var newValue = decl.value if (decl.prop === "font-variant") { newValue = decl.value.split(/\s+/g).map(function(val) { return fontVariantProperties["font-variant"][val] }).join(", ") } else if (fontVariantProperties[decl.prop][decl.value]) { newValue = fontVariantProperties[decl.prop][decl.value] } if (fontFeatureSettings === null) { fontFeatureSettings = getFontFeatureSettingsPrevTo(decl); } if (fontFeatureSettings.value && fontFeatureSettings.value !== newValue) { fontFeatureSettings.value += ", " + newValue; } else { fontFeatureSettings.value = newValue; } }) }) } })