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4 years ago
"use strict";
Copyright 2018 Google LLC
Use of this source code is governed by an MIT-style
license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
const ol = require('common-tags').oneLine;
module.exports = {
'unable-to-get-rootdir': `Unable to get the root directory of your web app.`,
'no-extension': ol`Unable to detect a usable extension for a file in your web
app directory.`,
'invalid-file-manifest-name': ol`The File Manifest Name must have at least one
'unable-to-get-file-manifest-name': 'Unable to get a file manifest name.',
'invalid-sw-dest': `The 'swDest' value must be a valid path.`,
'unable-to-get-sw-name': 'Unable to get a service worker file name.',
'unable-to-get-save-config': ol`An error occurred when asking to save details
in a config file.`,
'unable-to-get-file-hash': ol`An error occurred when attempting to create a
file hash.`,
'unable-to-get-file-size': ol`An error occurred when attempting to get a file
'unable-to-glob-files': 'An error occurred when globbing for files.',
'unable-to-make-manifest-directory': ol`Unable to make output directory for
file manifest.`,
'read-manifest-template-failure': 'Unable to read template for file manifest',
'populating-manifest-tmpl-failed': ol`An error occurred when populating the
file manifest template.`,
'manifest-file-write-failure': 'Unable to write the file manifest.',
'unable-to-make-sw-directory': ol`Unable to make the directories to output
the service worker path.`,
'read-sw-template-failure': ol`Unable to read the service worker template
'sw-write-failure': 'Unable to write the service worker file.',
'sw-write-failure-directory': ol`Unable to write the service worker file;
'swDest' should be a full path to the file, not a path to a directory.`,
'unable-to-copy-workbox-libraries': ol`One or more of the Workbox libraries
could not be copied over to the destination directory: `,
'invalid-generate-sw-input': ol`The input to generateSW() must be an object.`,
'invalid-glob-directory': ol`The supplied globDirectory must be a path as a
'invalid-dont-cache-bust': ol`The supplied 'dontCacheBustURLsMatching'
parameter must be a RegExp.`,
'invalid-exclude-files': 'The excluded files should be an array of strings.',
'invalid-get-manifest-entries-input': ol`The input to
'getFileManifestEntries()' must be an object.`,
'invalid-manifest-path': ol`The supplied manifest path is not a string with
at least one character.`,
'invalid-manifest-entries': ol`The manifest entries must be an array of
strings or JavaScript objects containing a url parameter.`,
'invalid-manifest-format': ol`The value of the 'format' option passed to
generateFileManifest() must be either 'iife' (the default) or 'es'.`,
'invalid-static-file-globs': ol`The 'globPatterns' value must be an array
of strings.`,
'invalid-templated-urls': ol`The 'templatedURLs' value should be an object
that maps URLs to either a string, or to an array of glob patterns.`,
'templated-url-matches-glob': ol`One of the 'templatedURLs' URLs is already
being tracked via 'globPatterns': `,
'invalid-glob-ignores': ol`The 'globIgnores' parameter must be an array of
glob pattern strings.`,
'manifest-entry-bad-url': ol`The generated manifest contains an entry without
a URL string. This is likely an error with workbox-build.`,
'modify-url-prefix-bad-prefixes': ol`The 'modifyURLPrefix' parameter must be
an object with string key value pairs.`,
'invalid-inject-manifest-arg': ol`The input to 'injectManifest()' must be an
'injection-point-not-found': ol`Unable to find a place to inject the manifest.
Please ensure that your service worker file contains the following: `,
'multiple-injection-points': ol`Please ensure that your 'swSrc' file contains
only one match for the RegExp:`,
'populating-sw-tmpl-failed': ol`Unable to generate service worker from
'useless-glob-pattern': ol`One of the glob patterns doesn't match any files.
Please remove or fix the following: `,
'bad-template-urls-asset': ol`There was an issue using one of the provided
'invalid-runtime-caching': ol`The 'runtimeCaching' parameter must an an
array of objects with at least a 'urlPattern' and 'handler'.`,
'static-file-globs-deprecated': ol`'staticFileGlobs' is deprecated.
Please use 'globPatterns' instead.`,
'dynamic-url-deprecated': ol`'dynamicURLToDependencies' is deprecated.
Please use 'templatedURLs' instead.`,
'urlPattern-is-required': ol`The 'urlPattern' option is required when using
'handler-is-required': ol`The 'handler' option is required when using
'invalid-generate-file-manifest-arg': ol`The input to generateFileManifest()
must be an Object.`,
'invalid-sw-src': `The 'swSrc' file can't be read.`,
'same-src-and-dest': ol`'swSrc' and 'swDest' should not be set to the same ` + `file. Please use a different file path for 'swDest'.`,
'only-regexp-routes-supported': ol`Please use a regular expression object as
the urlPattern parameter. (Express-style routes are not currently
'bad-runtime-caching-config': ol`An unknown configuration option was used
with runtimeCaching:`,
'invalid-network-timeout-seconds': ol`When using networkTimeoutSeconds, you
must set the handler to 'NetworkFirst'.`,
'no-module-name': ol`You must provide a moduleName parameter when calling