module.exports = { /* Flattens an array of arrays to an array */ flatten : arrData => [].concat.apply([], arrData), /* Maps a function over an array */ map : fn => x =>, /* Returns identity */ identity : x => x, /* Wraps a value in an object with given key */ wrapWith : x => y => ({ [x] : y }), /* Unwraps a value from an object with given key */ unwrapFrom : x => y => y[x], /* Resolves an array of Promises */ promiseAll : x => Promise.all(x), /* Pipe a value or promise through any number of unary functions */ pipe: (...fns) => arg => fns.reduce((acc, fn) => typeof acc.then === 'function' ? acc.then(fn) : fn(acc), arg), /* Pass partial arguments and return a function that accepts the rest */ partial: (fn, ...args) => ( => fn(...args,, /* Item is in collection */ isIn : (collection, item) => collection.indexOf(item) !== -1, /* Collection contains given path */ containsPath : (collection, path) => collection.some( x => path.match(new RegExp(`/${x}/?$`)) ), /* Lift promises into a function */ liftPromise : (fn, thing) => typeof thing.then === 'function' ? thing.then(fn) : fn(thing), /* Stringifies object or coerces to string */ stringify : obj => typeof obj === 'object' ? (obj.stack || JSON.stringify(obj)) : obj, /* Short circuits with given value on pred. Else calls function */ short : (pred, shorter) => fn => value => pred(value) ? shorter(value) : fn(value), };