Tiny, but fully loaded test-runner.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
2.7 KiB

* This file contains random tests
* used during development
const Gunner = require('../index.js');
const gunner = new Gunner({ name: 'sample tests' });
const a = 1;
6 years ago
// gunner.before(Gunner.Start, () => console.log('Started tests!'));
// gunner.before(Gunner.End, () => console.log('Ended tests!'));
// let runCount = 1;
// gunner.before('*', () => console.log(`Running test ${runCount++}`));
gunner.test('should automatically pass', expect => expect().done());
gunner.test(`should be equal`, expect => expect(1).equal(1));
gunner.test(`objects are deep equal`, expect => expect({ a: 1 }).deepEqual({ a: 1 }));
gunner.test('expression should be true', expect => expect(a === 1).isTrue());
6 years ago
gunner.test('should be a Promise (resolved)', expect =>
gunner.test('should be a Promise (rejected)', expect =>
gunner.test('wait and resolve', () => {
return new Promise(r => {
() => r('ok'),
6 years ago
gunner.test('should resolve to 5', expect =>
// gunner.before(
// 'file must have hello as content',
// () => console.log('>> starting test! file must have hello as content'),
// );
// gunner.after(
// 'file must have hello as content',
// () => console.log('>> finished test! file must have hello as content'),
// );
6 years ago
gunner.test('file must have hello as content', async expect => {
const { readFile } = require('fs').promises;
const file = await readFile(__dirname + '/hello.txt', { encoding: 'utf8' });
6 years ago
return [
6 years ago
gunner.test('(should fail) Should automatically fail', expect =>
gunner.test('(should fail) Value is not a Promise', expect =>
gunner.test('(should fail) Error is not a Promise', expect =>
6 years ago
gunner.test(`(should fail) objects aren't deeply equal`, expect => expect({a : 1}).deepEqual({ a: 2 }));
gunner.test('(should fail) promise must reject', expect =>
expect(Promise.reject(new Error('Promise Rejected'))).equal('no rejection'));
6 years ago
6 years ago
gunner.test('(should fail) multiple expect', expect => {
const a = { };
a.b = 1;
a.c = 2;
return [
expect(a).hasPair('c', 3),
const flamethrower = () => {
throw new Error('This burns!');
6 years ago
gunner.test('(should fail) should catch error', expect => {
return expect(flamethrower()).equal(5);
6 years ago
gunner.test('(should fail) should not resolve to 5', expect =>
const trace = process.argv.slice(2).indexOf('--trace') !== -1;
const log = process.argv.slice(2).indexOf('--log') !== -1;
gunner.run({ trace, log });