Tiny, but fully loaded test-runner.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines
909 B

'use strict';
const { isPromise } = require('../../util/helpers');
const { pass, fail } = require('./constants');
const runTests = tests => Promise.all(tests.map(each => {
const pred = each.test();
/* There are 4 different cases at play:
1. A plain expect() is returned.
2. An array of [ expect() ] is returned
3. A plain expect() is wrapped in a promise
4. An array of [ expect() ] is wrapped in a promise.
Here we normalise all of them into something we can process */
if (!isPromise(pred) && !(pred && isPromise(pred[0])))
throw new Error(`Malformed test '${each.description}'`);
const toTest = Array.isArray(pred)
? Promise.all(pred)
: pred.then(x => Array.isArray(x) ? Promise.all(x) : x);
return toTest
.then(() => ({ description: each.description, result: pass }))
.catch(e => ({ description: each.description, result: fail, error: e }));
module.exports = runTests;