'use strict'; // These functions just return paths. Later, these should be modified to poll from nginx's config. const npath = "/etc/nginx/"; const enabled = npath + "sites-enabled/"; const confDpath = npath + "conf.d/"; const upPath = "/etc/up-serve/"; const wwwRoot = upPath + "static/"; const serverListPath = upPath + "servers"; function nginxPath() { return npath; } function enabledSites() { return enabled; } function confD() { return confDpath; } function webRoot() { return wwwRoot; } function webRootDomain(domain, outPort) { const path = wwwRoot + domain + "." + outPort; return path; } function serversUp() { const path = serverListPath + ".up"; return path; } function serversBakUp() { const path = serverListPath + ".bak.up"; return path; } module.exports = nginxPath; module.exports.confD = confD; module.exports.enabledSites = enabledSites; module.exports.webRoot = webRoot; module.exports.webRootDomain = webRootDomain; module.exports.serversUp = serversUp; module.exports.serversBakUp = serversBakUp;