'use strict'; const { EOL } = require('os'); // Requiring npm modules const chalk = require('chalk'); // Requiring Actions const createProxyServer = require('./actions/createProxyServer'); const createStaticServer = require('./actions/createStaticServer'); const killServer = require('./actions/killServer'); const listServers = require('./actions/listServers'); const killAllConfirm = require('./actions/killAllConfirm'); // Requiring utils const validate = require('./utils/validate'); function server (domain, outPort) { // If outport is not given, 80 is set as default. // Later, change this default to reflect nginx's settings. outPort = outPort || "80"; // This is a string because regex needs to validate it. if (!validate(domain, outPort)) return; // Validates domain and outport, and if invalid, throws and returns. createStaticServer(domain, outPort); if (outPort != "80" || "443") domain = domain + ":" + outPort; console.log(EOL + [ "Done! Your static server has been set up!", "Point your domain to this server and check " + chalk.cyan(domain) + " to verify!" ].join(EOL)); } function proxy (domain, inPort, outPort) { // Inbound port is necessary, but outbound is set to 80 by default. // Again, will change this to reflect nginx's settings. outPort = outPort || "80"; // This is a string because regex needs to validate it. if (!validate(domain, inPort, outPort)) return; createProxyServer(domain, inPort, outPort); if (outPort != "80" || "443") domain = domain + ":" + outPort; console.log(EOL + [ "Done! Your reverse proxy server has been set up!", "Point your domain to this server and check " + chalk.cyan(domain) + " to verify!"].join(EOL)); } function list () { listServers(); } function kill (domain, outPort) { outPort = outPort || "80"; // This is a string because regex needs to validate it. killServer(domain, outPort); console.log(EOL + "Done! Your server has been killed!"+ EOL); } function reset () { killAllConfirm(); } module.exports = { server, proxy, list, kill, reset };