var fs = require ( 'fs-extra' ) ;
var shell = require ( 'shelljs' ) ;
var npath = require ( '../utils/nginxPath' ) ;
var conf = require ( '../utils/nginxConf' ) ;
var nginxReload = require ( '../utils/nginxReload' ) ;
var EOL = require ( 'os' ) . EOL ; // \n if used on Linux, \r\n if used on Windows.
function createProxyServer ( domain , inPort , outPort ) {
fs . outputFileSync ( ( conf ( npath . availableSites ( ) , domain , outPort ) ) ,
"server {" + EOL +
" listen " + outPort + ";" + EOL +
" listen [::]:" + outPort + ";" + EOL +
" index index.html index.htm;" + EOL +
"" + EOL +
" server_name " + domain + ";" + EOL +
" location / {" + EOL +
" proxy_pass http://localhost:" + inPort + ";" + EOL +
" proxy_http_version 1.1;" + EOL +
" proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;" + EOL +
" proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';" + EOL +
" proxy_set_header Host $host;" + EOL +
" proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;" + EOL +
" }" + EOL +
) ;
shell . mkdir ( '-p' , npath . enabledSites ( ) ) ; // Creates directory if doesn't exist
shell . ln ( '-sf' , conf ( npath . availableSites ( ) , domain , outPort ) , conf ( npath . enabledSites ( ) , domain , outPort ) ) ; // Symlink the conf file from sites-available to sites-enabled
nginxReload ( ) ;
module . exports = createProxyServer ;