const { spawn } = require('child_process'); const { EOL } = require('os'); const os = require('os'); const Telegraf = require('telegraf'); const { path } = require('./util/index.js'); const config = require('./config.js'); const validator = require('./lib/validator'); const responder = require('./lib/responseHandler.js'); const dateOptions = { weekday: 'long', year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', hour: 'numeric', minute: 'numeric', }; const bot = new Telegraf(config.botApiKey); const sessions = []; sessions.history = []; bot.use((ctx, next) => validator(ctx) .then(next) .catch( `Username Not authenticated!` ))); // get os info const home = os.homedir(); const hostname = os.hostname(); const username = os.userInfo().username; const defaultShell = os.platform() === 'win32' ? 'cmd.exe' : 'bash'; bot.command('start', ctx => { ctx.replyWithHTML(`Welcome to tsh -- Telegram Shell!

You are now connected to ${hostname} as ${username}`); const newProc = spawn(defaultShell, { cwd: home }); newProc.stdout.setEncoding('utf8'); sessions.push(newProc); sessions.currentSession = newProc; }); bot.command('ls', ctx => ctx.reply( sessions.reduce((acc, _, index) => acc ? `${acc}\n${index}` : `${index}`, '') || `No sessions found. Start one with /start.` )); bot.command('attach', ctx => { const text = path(['update', 'message', 'text'], ctx); const sessionIndex = parseInt(text.replace('/attach ', '').trim()); if(Number.isNaN(sessionIndex) || !sessions[sessionIndex]) return'Session not found. /ls for list of sessions')(ctx); sessions.currentSession = sessions[sessionIndex]; return responder.success(`Reattached to shell ${sessionIndex}`)(ctx); }); bot.command('detach', ctx => { const text = path(['update', 'message', 'text'], ctx); const sessionIndex = parseInt(text.replace('/detach ', '').trim()); const currentSession = text.trim() === '/detach' ? sessions.currentSession : sessions[sessionIndex]; if(!currentSession) return'Session not found. /ls for list of sessions.')(ctx); sessions.currentSession = undefined; return responder.success(`Detached from shell ${sessionIndex}`)(ctx); }); bot.command('kill', ctx => { const text = path(['update', 'message', 'text'], ctx); const sessionIndex = parseInt(text.replace('/kill ', '').trim()); if(Number.isNaN(sessionIndex) || !sessions[sessionIndex]) return'Session not found. /ls for list of sessions.')(ctx); const disconnect = sessions[sessionIndex]; delete sessions[sessionIndex]; if(disconnect === sessions.currentSession) sessions.currentSession = undefined; disconnect.kill(); ctx.reply('Session killed. /ls for list of sessions.') }) bot.use(ctx => { if(!sessions.currentSession) return'No active session. Start one with /start or view list of sessions by sending /ls.')(ctx); const cmd = ctx.update.message.text; const history = `${new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-IN', dateOptions)}: ${cmd}`; sessions.history.push(history); console.log(history); sessions.currentSession.stdin.write(cmd + EOL); sessions.currentSession.stdout.on('data', d => responder.success(d)(ctx)); sessions.currentSession.stdout.on('error', e => responder.success(e)(ctx)); }); bot.startPolling(); console.log(`Polling for updates.`);