const expect = require("chai").expect; const Compile = require("../lib/compileASTtoMarkdown"); describe("Compiling AST to Markdown", function () { it("sample ast - 1", function () { const input = [{ type: "bold", children: ["bold"] }]; expect(Compile(input)).to.equal("**bold**"); }); it("sample ast - 2", function () { const input = [ { type: "bold", children: ["my"] }, { type: "text", children: ["simple"] }, { type: "italics", children: ["AST"] }, ]; expect(Compile(input)).to.equal("**my**simple_AST_"); }); it("sentence ast", function () { const input = [ { type: "bold", children: ["Arunkumar"] }, { type: "text", children: [" is the "] }, { type: "underline", children: ["Best Boy"] }, { type: "text", children: [" not the "] }, { type: "italics", children: [{ type: "strikethrough", children: ["Worst Boy"] }], }, { type: "text", children: ["."] }, ]; expect(Compile(input)).to.equal( "**Arunkumar** is the ==Best Boy== not the _~~Worst Boy~~_.", ); }); it("link ast", function () { const input = [ { type: "url", children: ["The Feathers"], url: "" }, ]; expect(Compile(input)).to.equal("[The Feathers]("); }); it("Nested ast", function () { const input = [ { type: "bold", children: [ "Bold", { type: "italics", children: [ "Italics", { type: "strikethrough", children: [ "Strikethrough", { type: "underline", children: ["Underline"] }, "Strikethrough", ], }, "Italics", ], }, "Bold", ], }, ]; expect(Compile(input)).to.equal( "**Bold_Italics~~Strikethrough==Underline==Strikethrough~~Italics_Bold**", ); }); });