const chai = require("chai"); const { expect } = chai; const CompileReact = require("../lib/compileReact"); const ReactDOM = require("react-dom"); const { act } = require("react-dom/test-utils"); const { inspect } = require("util"); const { BOLD, TEXT, ITALICS, STRIKETHROUGH, UNDERLINE, URL, PARAGRAPH, } = require("../constants"); let rootContainer; beforeEach(() => { rootContainer = document.createElement("div"); document.body.appendChild(rootContainer); }); afterEach(() => { document.body.removeChild(rootContainer); rootContainer = null; }); const render = ast => { act(() => { ReactDOM.render(CompileReact(ast), rootContainer); }); }; describe("Compile AST to REACT elements", function () { it("Simple react elements", function () { const ast = [ { type: "underline", children: ["The ", { type: "bold", children: ["Apple"] }], }, ]; render(ast); const wrapper = rootContainer.querySelector("p"); expect(wrapper.textContent).to.equal("The Apple"); }); it("Link element", function () { const ast = [ { type: "url", children: ["The Feathers"], url: "" }, ]; render(ast); const anchor = rootContainer.getElementsByTagName("a"); expect(anchor[0].textContent).to.equal("The Feathers"); expect(anchor[0].href).to.equal(""); expect(anchor[0].classList.contains(URL)); }); it("Nested ast to react elements", function () { const ast = [ { type: "bold", children: [ "Bold", { type: "italics", children: [ "Italics", { type: "strikethrough", children: [ "Strikethrough", { type: "underline", children: ["Underline"] }, "Strikethrough", ], }, "Italics", ], }, "Bold", ], }, ]; render(ast); const wrapper = rootContainer.getElementsByTagName("p")[0]; const level_1 = wrapper.firstElementChild; const level_2 = level_1.firstElementChild; const level_3 = level_2.firstElementChild; const level_4 = level_3.firstElementChild; expect(level_1.firstChild.textContent).to.equal("Bold"); expect(level_2.firstChild.textContent).to.equal("Italics"); expect(level_3.firstChild.textContent).to.equal("Strikethrough"); expect(level_4.firstChild.textContent).to.equal("Underline"); expect(wrapper.classList.contains(PARAGRAPH)); expect(level_1.classList.contains(BOLD)); expect(level_2.classList.contains(ITALICS)); expect(level_3.classList.contains(STRIKETHROUGH)); expect(level_4.classList.contains(UNDERLINE)); }); it("Formatted Link", function () { const ast = [ { type: "url", children: [ { type: "bold", children: ["The ", { type: "underline", children: ["Feathers"] }], }, ], url: "", }, ]; const expectedHTMLOutput = '

The Feathers

'; render(ast); expect(rootContainer.innerHTML).to.equal(expectedHTMLOutput); }); });