mirror of https://github.com/codefeathers/isEq
4 changed files with 108 additions and 12 deletions
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ |
/** |
* Written by Muthu Kumar <https://mkr.pw>
* Original source: https://github.com/CodeFeathers/isEq
* |
* Deep compares objects or arrays and returns boolean. |
* Supports Number, String, Boolean, Regexp, Objects, Arrays. |
* |
* Usage: isEq(<*>, <*>, [compareKeys, ...]); |
*/ |
(function(){function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s}return e})()({},{},[]) |
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@ |
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.isEq = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function(){function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s}return e})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){ |
'use strict'; |
/** |
* UMD Module |
* ↘️↘️ |
* @author Muthu Kumar <https://mkr.pw>
* isEq(item1, item2 [, compareKeys]) |
* @description Deep compares objects or arrays and returns boolean. |
* Supports Number, String, Boolean, Regexp, Objects, Arrays |
* @param {*} item1 - Object or Array to compare against. |
* @param {*} item2 - Object or Array to compare with. |
* @param {Array} [compareKeys] - Keys to compare against. Ignores other keys. |
*/ |
const isEq = (item1, item2, compareKeys) => { |
// Returns false if different types are used.
if (typeof item1 !== typeof item2) return false; |
// Arrays are of type object, hence let's go one further step
// to prove type inequality
if ((Array.isArray(item1) |
&& !Array.isArray(item2)) |
|| ((Array.isArray(item2) |
&& !Array.isArray(item1)))) |
return false; |
// Since types are already equal, let's find if items are equal.
if ((typeof item1 === 'number') || |
(typeof item1 === 'string') || |
(typeof item1 === 'boolean') || |
(item1 === null) || |
(item1 === undefined)) { |
return (item1 === item2); |
}; |
// 'NaN's are special. They aren't equal to each other.
if (Number.isNaN(item1) && Number.isNaN(item2)) return true; |
// Regexp needs to be Stringified first before comparing equality
if (item1 instanceof RegExp) return String(item1) === String(item2); |
// If none of the above conditions returned, then check if inputs are handlable
if (typeof (item1) !== 'object' || typeof (item2) !== 'object') |
throw new Error('[isEq] Unhandleable input!'); |
const item1Keys = Object.keys(item1); |
const item2Keys = Object.keys(item2); |
// If compare keys array is not given, let's check length of props
// and check second array against first.
if (!compareKeys) { |
compareKeys = item1Keys; |
if (item1Keys.length !== item2Keys.length) { |
return false; |
}; |
}; |
if(!(Array.isArray(compareKeys))) |
throw new Error('[isEq] third parameter should be an array of keys!'); |
// Either both are empty objects or arrays, or compareArray is empty. Return true.
if(compareKeys.length === 0) return true; |
// For each key in our reference...
for (let KeyIndex in compareKeys) { |
let Key = compareKeys[KeyIndex]; |
if (Array.isArray(item1[Key]) && Array.isArray(item2[Key])) { |
Key = KeyIndex; |
}; |
// Inequality at this point can be because it's just comparing
// two objects or arrays that may or may not be equivalent.
if (item1[Key] !== item2[Key]) { |
if (typeof (item1[Key] === 'object') && typeof (item2[Key] === 'object') || |
(Array.isArray(item1[Key]) && Array.isArray(item2[Key]))) { |
if (!isEq(item1[Key], item2[Key])) { |
return false; |
}; |
} else { |
return false; |
}; |
}; |
}; |
return true; |
}; |
module.exports = isEq; |
},{}]},{},[1])(1) |
}); |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
/** |
* ↘️↘️ |
* @author Muthu Kumar <https://mkr.pw>
* isEq(item1, item2 [, compareKeys]) |
* @description Deep compares objects or arrays and returns boolean. |
* Supports Number, String, Boolean, Regexp, Objects, Arrays |
* @param {*} item1 - Object or Array to compare against. |
* @param {*} item2 - Object or Array to compare with. |
* @param {Array} [compareKeys] - Keys to compare against. Ignores other keys. |
*/ |
(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.isEq=f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return(function(){function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s}return e})()({1:[function(require,module,exports){'use strict';const isEq=(item1,item2,compareKeys)=>{if(typeof item1!==typeof item2)return!1;if((Array.isArray(item1)&&!Array.isArray(item2))||((Array.isArray(item2)&&!Array.isArray(item1))))return!1;if((typeof item1==='number')||(typeof item1==='string')||(typeof item1==='boolean')||(item1===null)||(item1===undefined)){return(item1===item2)};if(Number.isNaN(item1)&&Number.isNaN(item2))return!0;if(item1 instanceof RegExp)return String(item1)===String(item2);if(typeof(item1)!=='object'||typeof(item2)!=='object') |
throw new Error('[isEq] Unhandleable input!');const item1Keys=Object.keys(item1);const item2Keys=Object.keys(item2);if(!compareKeys){compareKeys=item1Keys;if(item1Keys.length!==item2Keys.length){return!1}};if(!(Array.isArray(compareKeys)))throw new Error('[isEq] third parameter should be an array of keys!');if(compareKeys.length===0)return!0;for(let KeyIndex in compareKeys){let Key=compareKeys[KeyIndex];if(Array.isArray(item1[Key])&&Array.isArray(item2[Key])){Key=KeyIndex};if(item1[Key]!==item2[Key]){if(typeof(item1[Key]==='object')&&typeof(item2[Key]==='object')||(Array.isArray(item1[Key])&&Array.isArray(item2[Key]))){if(!isEq(item1[Key],item2[Key])){return!1}}else{return!1}}};return!0};module.exports=isEq},{}]},{},[1])(1)}) |
Reference in new issue