'use strict'; const InfiniteList = require('..'); const { InfiniteListItem } = require('..'); /* global describe it expect */ describe("InfiniteList", () => { it("Should be true", () => { const infinite = InfiniteList.create(0, x => x + 2); expect(infinite.get(5) instanceof InfiniteListItem).toBe(true); }) it("Should be 0", () => { const infinite = InfiniteList.create(0, x => x + 2); expect(infinite.first().value).toBe(0); expect(infinite.top().value).toBe(0); expect(infinite.last().value).toBe(Infinity); expect(infinite.end().value).toBe(Infinity); }) it("Should be 22", () => { const infinite = InfiniteList.create(0, x => x + 2); expect(infinite.get(11).value).toBe(22); }) it("Should be [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]", () => { const infinite = InfiniteList.create(0, x => x + 2); expect(infinite.take(5).map(x => x.value)).toEqual([ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]); }) it("Should be [ 16, 18, 20 ]", () => { const infinite = InfiniteList.create(0, x => x + 2); expect(infinite.take(8, 10).map(x => x.value)).toEqual([ 16, 18, 20 ]); }) it("Should be [ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]", () => { const infinite = InfiniteList.create(0, x => x + 2); const acc = []; for(let i of infinite) { if(i.index >= 5) break; acc.push(i.value) } expect(acc).toEqual([ 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 ]); }) })