<article><h1>select-return</h1><p>Return a function based on a condition. Functional alternative to switch-case.</p>
<h2>Usage</h2><preclass="prettyprint source lang-JavaScript"><code>const a = 100;
const result = new Select(a)
.for(x => x>10,
a => `${a} is greater than 10.`)
.for(x => x<10,
a => `${a} is lesser than 10.`)
.for(x => x===10,
a => `${a} is 10.`)
console.log(result.resolve()); // -> "100 is greater than 10."</code></pre><h2>Docs</h2><p>Docs exist in <code>/docs</code> directory. Will be served soon.</p>
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